Cells GoldCore ERP
Gold Management Software is a specialized end-to-end solution to manage and administrate gold wholesale and retail business. The solution includes inventory, stock transactions, weights, types, cash, auditing and control.

Cells GoldCore ERP Systems
Specialized financial, administrative and technical end-to-end solutions to manage gold wholesale, retail or production business enterprises. The key solutions are: General Ledger, Inventory , Purchases , Sales , Assets ,HR.

User uses CRM Mobile App for Technical Support order. One Year free subscription to our Online “Remote” technical support. Minor subscription fee is imposed after one year and Systems are maintained by our team and Hardware is maintained by the client.
Cells GoldCore ERP Systems
Gold and Cash:
- Multiple gold types (karats 24, 22, 21, 18, 14, 12 …etc), payment modes and currencies for all transaction types.
- Additional categories for gold such as manufactured, new, second hand, broken, raw for all transaction level.
- Different gold purities or what is known as Gold Content per gold type and category (999,999/ 875 / 750 / … etc) for all transactions.
Gold Sales & Purchases Transactions

Sales Transactions
- Selling Manufactured gold: Price includes manufacturing fees in cash payment and/or weight.
- Selling Natural gold (broken or bullions) excluding manufacturing fees.
- Indirect sales (through different channels) for raw gold which only effects inventory after receiving actual payments and issuing sale receipt.
- Returns of raw/manufactured gold or direct/ indirect sales.
- Sales receipts including weight,, cash or both.

Purchases Transactions
- Purchasing manufactured gold: Price includes manufacturing fees in cash payment and/or weight.
- Purchasing natural gold (broken, bullions) excluding manufacturing fees.
- Indirect purchase (through different channels) for raw gold which only effects inventory after receiving actual payments and issuing sale receipt.
- Returns of raw/manufactured gold or direct/ indirect purchases.
- Purchase receipts including weight, cash or both.